::Linux Ultah Ke - 15 + Kumpul Hero Open Source::
Ow,, iyahh ini email na Linus Benedict Trovalds, yang dikirim beliau pada saat Ultah Linux..
"Hello everybody out there using minix -
I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other things).
I've currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work. This implies that I'll get something practical within a few months, and I'd like to know what features most people would want. Any suggestions are welcome, but I won't promise I'll implement them :-)
Linus (torva...@kruuna.helsinki.fi)
Belajar linux menyebabkan jomblo, apapun merk server na OS na tetap Linux Red hat... :))
Pagi ini gw baca" detik.com hehehe..ternyata Linux Ultah yg ke -15 uiii, senang na tapi siall gw ketinggalan berita.. :( ternyata Linux Ultah tgl 25 Agustus kemarin..Udah kemarin malam gw gk tidur, nemenin teman bos gw yang lagi numpang download...hehehe.."Mafia Bandwith"nama na Mas Danni yang lagi download, ini orang jagoan na Open BSD..hari itu NOC jadi rame ada jagoan open source semua, tapi saat itu posisi gw sama Pak Gede kalah karena ada tiga orang maniak Open BSD Mas Danny, Mas aii IDwebhost, Mas Wisnu GOdrill...sedangkan yang linux cuman 2 allaaaa..heheheheh...malam itu gw temenin pak gede belajar buat RHCE "Red Hat Certified Engineer", sertifikasi nomor satu di dunia..wew cool jadi pengen kyk dia..tapi kapan :-??Ilmu na belum sampe..doain ajahh dehh biar cepat bisa and nyusul mereka semua..biar ngobrol na lebih nyambung.. ^^' :D
Ow,, iyahh ini email na Linus Benedict Trovalds, yang dikirim beliau pada saat Ultah Linux..
"Hello everybody out there using minix -
I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other things).
I've currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work. This implies that I'll get something practical within a few months, and I'd like to know what features most people would want. Any suggestions are welcome, but I won't promise I'll implement them :-)
Linus (torva...@kruuna.helsinki.fi)
Belajar linux menyebabkan jomblo, apapun merk server na OS na tetap Linux Red hat... :))